Jak M Singer


Most of you know Jacques-Emmanuel Rousselon as a composer but only a few actually know him as a singer…


During the spring 2020, the lockdown left him time on his hands to revisit his past work as a singer. Nicely surprised by those old songs (never been realesed so far), he has decided to let you discover some of them by publishing them on Youtube & Facebook under the name  « JAK M » …


« Xpo Song Project » : Based on an idea from Jean-Paul Gibilisco, he also decided to have each of these songs illustrated by a photographer (one photographer per song) by giving him/her « carte blanche » both for the choice of photos and for their presentation, the rule being not to create new images for the occasion but to go and tap into his/her archives.

You will find the YOUTUBE links to these videos above on this page.
Jacques-Emmanuel alias Jak M


Suscribe to my facebook page : Jak M - Singer
And to my youtube chanel  : Jacques-Emmanuel Rousselon



These videos have been viewed thousands of times each on facebook.

Please, give them visibility on YOUTUBE via the links below.






Last update : 03/06/2024